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International mobility and cross-border taxation

On Tuesday 16 January 2018, Jean-Philippe Franssen, Partner - HR and Personal Tax, will hold a seminar as part of the Paperjam Business Club which aims to help you better understand the mobility situations of your employees such as: activities in different countries, teleworking, secondment, status of expatriate,...


Main topics:

• Control of the tax and social implications of cross-border mobility
Presentation of the 2018 tax and social news
• The challenges and implications of the reform for frontier workers

During this workshop, the tax implications will be analysed for the employee concerned in Luxembourg, but also abroad, both withholding tax on wages and tax on an assessment basis. The reflection will also concern the social aspect with a presentation of the provisions aimed at determining the applicable social regime as well as the resulting implications both in terms of social benefits for the employee (pension, healthcare, family benefits...) and in terms of charges for the employer.

The ultimate goal is to find the most interesting solution for both the employer and the employee concerned.

Finally, the seminar will aim to present you the 2018 changes regarding social matters, labor law and tax reform. One point of the situation will be made in particular with regard to taxation of non-resident employees. Many concrete examples will adorn the presentation to address many situations encountered in business.



Register to our "International Mobility and Cross-border Taxation" Paperjam Business Club Workshop.