
Risk Management & Teleworking: Assuring Business Continuity

jean hubert antoine
Jean-Hubert Antoine
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The COVID-19 crisis highlighted how important it is to react quickly to the unexpected. However, many companies were not ready for this, some of those have even been hacked due to security lack and others were not able to deploy a secure business continuity plan.

During our last webinar, Jean-Yves Mathieu, ISO and Business Continuity Manager at Grant Thornton Luxembourg, presented the key points to focus on to ensure an efficient and secure business continuity in case of major and unexpected crisis.

Find below some tips presented during our past event!


How to be prepared for teleworking? You need to assess the risks, create a mobile working policy and determine:

  • Your process for authorising users to work off-site
  • Device provisioning and support
  • The type of information or services that can be accessed or stored on devices
  • The minimum procedural security controls


How to be sure that your BCP will be efficient when activated? Here are several questions you should be able to answer:

  • What are your organisation's critical activities and critical assets?
  • Who are your key people?
  • What are your key functions?
  • What are the critical applications?
  • What are the vital elements of your supply chain?

Answering these questions is critical to conduct your business impact analysis.


What if a next wave occurs? Here are some points to focus on:

  • You need to have enough laptops for all employees
  • You need to have a sufficient dimensioned network bandwidth
  • You do not need to sacrifice your security to enable remote working ! You just need to be prepared…


Are you keen to know more about this topic?

View our Webinar Recording

Speak to Jean-Hubert Antoine to discuss your business continuity and how to be prepared efficiently to any other upcoming crisis.