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Thierry Remacle
Partner, Audit & Assurance

Thierry Remacle

Thierry has over 29 years of audit and assurance experience on a wide range of commercial, industrial, financial and service companies in Luxembourg and worldwide.
He has a wide international experience for public, industrial and energy sectors, and in particular in the maritime industry.
Additionally he has an extensive experience in consolidation.

Thierry is Réviseur d’Entreprises Agréé, a Member of the Luxembourg Institut des Réviseurs d'Entreprises and a Member of the Luxembourg Ordre des Experts Comptables.

Thierry has co-founded the audit firm that joined Grant Thornton Luxembourg in 2013.


  • Institut des Réviseurs d’Entreprises (Luxembourg)
  • Ordre des Experts Comptables (Luxembourg)
  • Réviseur d’Entreprises Agréé
  • Certified Accountant (Expert-comptable)
Thierry Remacle
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Partner, Audit & Assurance
Thierry Remacle
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