Cohesiveness of our global audit approach

Multi-location companies approach

Luxembourg specificities mean that a lot of multinational companies have their headquarters located here and the consolidated financial statements have to be audited.

We know that audits of multi-location companies need to be approached with sharp thought, straight talk, and common sense. It's what all stakeholders want, whether regulators, directors, or shareholders.

Our audit and assurance approach

  • Through our affiliation with Grant Thornton International Ltd., we are present in over 100 countries. Each significant business area contains an International Business Centre led by a partner experienced in international business and familiar with the wealth of expertise held by our member firms around the world.
  • Our internally developed Horizon audit methodology and computerised audit tools allow us to carry out multi-location audits. The synergies created ensure a consistently high quality of work which in turn facilitates a quick and cost effective turnaround to fulfill your company’s reporting requirements.
  • Our partners take pride in the cohesiveness of our global audit approach. We are consistently exceeding the expectations of our multinational clients by resolving issues decisively in a quick and cost-effective manner.
  • We have a dedicated team specialised in the audit of consolidated financial statements and experienced in the particularities of cross-border audits.

We consistently look to exceed the necessary financial reporting standards and provide insight into the real performance of a business, whatever its size or nature.