A dedicated team

Supervisory Auditor - "Commissaire"

Grant Thornton Luxembourg has a dedicated team of experts committed to deliver services reserved to Supervisory Auditor or "Commissaire aux Comptes".

What you can expect

Article 61 of the Luxembourg law on Commercial Companies stipulates that every société anonyme must be supervised by one or more "Commissaires aux Comptes".

Article 62 of the law provides that the "Commissaires aux Comptes" shall have unlimited power of supervision and control over all the operations of the company, and shall report to the general meeting on the results of the mandate entrusted to them, making such recommendations as they consider relevant. If the company carries inventory, the auditors must inform the meeting of the method adopted by them for the verification of such inventories.

In practice, a "Commissaires aux Comptes" is usually an independent person and acts in much the same way as an independent auditor (Réviseur d’Entreprises Agréé), with the exception that she/he does not express an opinion on whether the financial statements submitted to the shareholders for their approval show a true and fair view of the financial situation of the company.

Hugues Wangen
Partner, Audit & Assurance
Hugues Wangen