Workable solutions to maximise your value and deliver sustainable growth

Transactions or reorganisations

are significant events in the life of a business, so the stakes are high for both buyers and sellers.

Our solutions

  • Financial modeling: We build integrated models for pricing and structuring deals, and quantify returns, risks and sensitivities to provide a clear point of view to help you make better decisions.
  • Financial due diligence: We help you make wise investment decisions, providing financial due diligence that is clearly linked to your requirements as purchasers, and also suitable for your funders.
  • Vendor assist: We work with sellers to anticipate and explain any areas on which prospective purchasers may require comfort, thereby helping protect shareholder value.
  • Vendor due diligence: Our approach to vendor due diligence balances the vendor’s desire to protect shareholder value, with the need for a robust and independent report to be used by the purchaser and their funders.