One stop place for expert advice

High-quality product structuring and legal services have become a crucial tool enabling industry players to get through the major changes impacting their business development, strategy and organisation as a whole.

Our Investment Management practice 

is your one-stop place for expert advice combining pragmatism and a unique in-depth knowledge of the Luxembourg market.

How we can assist you

Grant Thornton Luxembourg will assist you in every step of your project, working with you to find the structure that will meet your regulatory, strategic, marketing and operational needs best. With the help of our Tax department, we can also help you to structure your fund in the most efficient way.

We will be by your side for the lifetime of your fund, helping you to implement your new strategies or to use new assets in line with regulatory constraints, supporting you as you negotiate the regulatory wave and making sure you are appropriately alerted each time the new regulation impacts your fund or business model.

We will also be there to advise you whenever extraordinary events occur or to simply back you up in the day-to-day life of the fund.

For more information, please contact Patricia Schon.