Valuing your business

Achieving the best value

When considering selling your business you want to be sure you will achieve the highest possible value, with the best terms and to go through as smooth a sales process as possible.

Go deeper through your sales process 

We focus on advising you how to maximise the value of your business upon sale and strive to support you through every step.

Objectives & options 

  • Understanding your objectives and exploring all options available to you
  • Identifying the most suitable sales strategy
  • Valuing your business
  • Working with our tax colleagues and sector specialists to strengthen and accentuate your position in the market
  • Identifying and evaluating potential purchasers, including exploring overseas opportunities
  • Drafting of the information memorandum
  • Leading or supporting the negotiations right through to completion of the transaction

Throughout the sales process we will work with you to ensure the transaction is as smooth as possible, whilst ensuring we help you maximise the value of your business upon sale.