Remaining up-to-date, acting swiflty, delivering excellence

A fast-evolving environment

Over the last few years, attention to operational tax matters increased exponentially and authorities in various countries have intensified controls. If you need any advice or review, our industry experts are ready to serve you.

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Did you know that our Operational Tax team could assist you in all tax matters through dedicated tax advice, hotlines, trainings, and (post) implementation assistance?

Our Tax - Financial Services team provides tax advisory services relevant for the Financial Services Industries and Operational Tax assistance.  This includes:

  • Tax advice for banks, insurance undertakings, funds and non-supervised investment entities as well as securitisation entities
  • Automatic exchange of information (including FATCA, the Common Reporting Standard, the DAC 6, DAC 7 and DAC 8)
  • Advisory and compliance assistance regarding the US Qualified Intermediary regime
  • Assistance regarding withholding tax reclaims
  • Investor tax reporting
  • Tax structuring in the context of Islamic finance

Our services can be delivered under the form of:

  • Dedicated tax advice
  • Hotlines
  • Training modules
  • Toolboxes
  • Compliance and reporting assistance
  • Assistance with implementation of new regulations (such as the upcoming FASTER Directive)
  • Post-implementation health checks (and remediation where needed)
  • QI reviews
  • Tax watch products


Need advice or review?

Please contact our Partner, Head of Tax & Transfer Pricing, Jean-Nicolas Bourtembourg or our Director, Tax - Financial Services, Alain Verbeken.

We look forward to hearing from you !

Jean-Nicolas Bourtembourg
Partner, Head of Tax & Transfer Pricing
Jean-Nicolas Bourtembourg