Help clients manage transfer pricing risks and find opportunities

Increased attention on Transfer Pricing

Luxembourg, with its attractive tax and financial regulatory framework, has gained a favourable reputation as the European headquarters of multinational companies.

At the same time, with the increasing integration of national economies and markets, bodies such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development are consistently working on changing the way international business structures interact.

At the core of this exponentially expanding intra-group trade lies transfer pricing.

Transfer pricing aims to create commercial and economic neutrality between associated and independent enterprises. Whilst the notion remains consistent since its inception, the changing regulatory landscape in Luxembourg has triggered the application of an extensive set of rules to ensure that profits are taxed where economic activities generating the profits are performed.

What Grant Thornton Luxembourg can do for you

We understand that more and more companies are facing increasing global scrutiny from the regulators, regarding tax affairs. We believe in assisting dynamic organisations to unlock their full potential for growth – international outreach with local tailor-made solutions.

Our highly specialised and experienced team of dedicated transfer pricing professionals has a proven track record in delivering the following range of services:

  • Transfer Pricing Documentation - Master and Local file for financing, services and manufacturing activities
  • Country-by-Country Reporting and Notification
  • Advance Pricing Agreements
  • Operational and Economic Substance Analysis
  • Risk Management Protocol Services
  • Corporate Documentation Review and Support
  • Value Chain Transformation
  • BEPS and Tax Optimisation
Jean-Nicolas Bourtembourg
Partner, Head of Tax & Transfer Pricing
Jean-Nicolas Bourtembourg